Decentralized Database

Decentralized Database

Due to the rapid growth of blockchain products, there has been an increasing need for robust data storage solutions. While most DApps store data on blockchains like Ethereum, the costs are extremely high. As a result, most DApps are forced to migrate their data to centralized storage solutions. Unfortunately, despite the cost-effective nature of centralized storage solutions, they are vulnerable to hacks.

Accordingly, developers face the dilemma of choosing between sky-high prices and poor data security. Decentralized databases solve this dilemma, offering users the ability to store their intellectual property in a manner that’s censorship-resistant, fully secure, and always available.

In a decentralized database, the underlying blockchain technology provides 100% access to data in a distributed way. Each file is replicated across several storage nodes worldwide, lowering the storage costs and ensuring that the data is available even if one or more nodes are down. 

Decentralized databases use clusters of blockchains customized primarily for database operations. The advanced data delivery network protects your intellectual property from data breaches, performance hiccups, and network failures. It is an ecosystem where you pay the lowest costs for storage space and read/write access while enjoying features like high scalability, censorship and tamper-proof, and unmatched security.

Notable Features of a Decentralized Database

A decentralized database is the perfect blend of a decentralized framework and cutting-edge computing, enabling dApps to store and access their data seamlessly. Some of the notable features of decentralized databases include:
  1. Unmatched Privacy - Decentralized databases use cryptography and advanced sharding techniques to ensure the full privacy of your data.
  2. Amazing Reliability - All of the data is redundantly stored across multiple nodes worldwide, obliterating any scope of a single point of failure. Even if a couple of nodes go down, your data will still be available.
  3. High Scalability - Compared to storing data on blockchains, decentralized databases store data in distributed nodes. This provides high scalability, especially for enterprise-level DApps.
  4. Better Performance Speed - Since the files and data are stored across several nodes worldwide, you gain access to the data within seconds. Besides, the underlying technology is designed to adapt and adjust the location and number of nodes to deliver faster speeds.
  5. High Data Immutability - Decentralized databases use blockchain technology. By design, it is impossible to tamper with any data on the blockchain.
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